Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Will Your Dream Turn True?

Dreams_Come_True.jpg dreams come true image by DarkBeland
Dream is something which keeps the wheel of life running. It is unavoidable for a person to go through this magical experience. Often they leave you behind with a smile or a frown.
Let me explain my concept with a fable. One day a boy found an egg beneath the bush and put it along his chicken egg to hatch. An odd looking bird took its birth as time passed this bird grew along with other hens. He scratched in the dirt for seed and insect to eat. He clucked and cackled. One day this bird was talking to another hen admiring a beautiful bird soaring up the skies. He asked the hen amazed at the bird what was it? “That’s the eagle the chief of bird the hen replied but don’t give it a second thought.. You could never be like him”…
Thinking what so great about this story. Let’s us go back to the egg it was actually left out by some of the wood cutters who found a nest of eagle from one of the branches of the giant oak they chopped. They missed out this egg which slipped into the bushes.
There are times we look up at celebrities and say wish I could be like him you don’t even know you might be better than him. But there is an extent to which this spells of dreams, will motivate us to reach the unreachable conquer the unconquerable. But every thing has its boundaries and limits.
To substantiate my theory ill narrate another story of a youngster who found a bag of small stones on the banks of the sea, he began to chuck those stones casually into the sea dreaming of what he would do if he was rich. Slowly he emptied the bag and was left with just one stone which unpredictably twinkled that when he realized the worth of what he was throwing away.
Every coin has two sides undoubtedly. Dreams are necessary but it should not blind fold us to the extent that we move away from reality. Let’s set realistic goals and strive to achieve them. Grab every opportunity that comes by working hard and with unshakable faith. The potential is within you bring it out all you need is to recognize and be realistic and strive for it….